Disney Channel released the official trailer for its soon-to-be breakout hit original movie "Camp Rock," starring teen sensations The Jonas Brothers and newcomer Demi Lovato. Now, I have been singing the praises of these boys since I met them two years ago while working at Disney Channel. They were just doing a theme song for one of our animated series then. I would like to think that my enthusiastic support for them there helped to bring about their current successes. These boys really are amazingly talented and sweet as can be. They already have a fan following like you wouldn't believe and I know this movie will help to skyrocket them to true super-stardom. Think Disney Channel's "High School Musical" on steroids...get ready for the phenomenon that is sure to be "Camp Rock."
Disney Channel will also be debuting a new original series "J.O.N.A.S." starring the boys, in a Hannah Montana-esque comedy about three average High School boys who moonlight as secret spies as night. The pilot is simply adorable and sure to be a huge hit also.
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